Membership Rates
STLSITTER memberships include annual and per appointment fees.
Annual Membership Fee
The purchase of our annual membership grants members access to our online SmartSitter platform, all scheduling services, and 24/7 concierge support from our local management team!
This fee will be charged upon registration and automatically each year on your renewal date, using the card on file.
Please thoroughly review our Membership Agreement, PRIOR to registration, as this fee is non-refundable.
Scheduling Fees
A non-refundable 'scheduling fee' is paid via credit card, on our platform, each time a member schedules an appointment. An appointment is considered to be each singular request a member submits online.
Casual Care
Consistent Care
per appointment
Normal Notice
48 hours or more before requested start time.
per submission
Logistics Fee
Paid at the time of a Consistent Care request submission.
per appointment
Rush Request
Less than 48 hours before requested start time.
per appointment
Per Appointment Fee
Paid upon the acceptance if a Care Proposal, the total # of appointments listed x $10 each.
Please note: We do not provide any nanny placement services, or full time child care.
Cancellation Fees
Cancellation Fees are paid online and distributed directly to your sitter, regardless of the appointment type, when applicable.
No Additional Cost
Advanced Notice
5 hours or more before the confirmed start time.
Full Amount $ Owed
Last Minute Notice
Less than 5 hours before the confirmed start time.
How do I Cancel an Appointment?
All cancellations must be made online, so your confirmed sitter is notified and may be rebooked, when possible.
What if I Forget to Cancel Online?
Appointments that are not canceled online, and care is no longer needed, will result in payment of the full hourly rate and time.
What is the Cancellation Fee for?
Cancellation fees are disbursed directly to the provider, on your behalf, to compensate for the last minute alteration.
Can I Cancel an Appointment by Contacting the Sitter Directly?
It is prohibited for members and sitters to communicate outside of our platform, including facilitating cancellations of confirmed appointments. Doing so will result in membership and/or account termination.
Read more about our policies HERE.
Sitter Rates & Fees
Members pay providers directly, at the time of departure, via Cash, Check, Venmo, or PayPal.
Hourly Sitter Rate: 1-3 Children
Hourly Sitter Rate: 4+ Children
The Hourly Sitter Rate applies to all appointment types in which child care is provided, and is based on the total number of children present at the appointment.
Full Amount Owed (FAO) Policy: Sitters are owed for the full amount of time scheduled, regardless if the member chooses to end the appointment prior to the scheduled & confirmed end time.
Additional costs and hourly fees may apply.
$50.00+ Min.
3-Hour Minimum
There is a 3-hour minimum for all appointments scheduled on our platform. It is not required to utilize your sitter for the full 3-hours, however, please note that the Full Amount Owed policy also applies to appointments scheduled for 3 hours.
*Exceptions for Consistent Care arrangements, upon request!
Membership Agreement

We require members to thoroughly review our rates, membership agreement and booking fees; along with available services (please note that we do not provide nanny placements) and cancellation policies, PRIOR to registration.
As a small business, we are unable to provide refunds to those who are uninformed on the services we provide, and the fees applicable.
After registration, Members are required to manage their account, and abide by the terms of the agreement while using our platform.
Membership is subject to termination at any time due to breech of the membership contract. This includes: communications with our team that are rude, condescending, and/or having unrealistic expectations of our staff, & communicating with our providers outside of appointments.
We choose to work with families who are respectful, and conscientious regarding the logistics of our operation that include the management of over 500+ quality providers and staff members.